August 2021

WCHQ OHC Summit Promotes Collaboration

WCHQ President Gabrielle Rude presenting at the Oral Health Summit

The third annual WCHQ Oral Health Collaborative Summit brought the members of the one-of-its kind group together July 29 to network on topics ranging from evidenced-based dentistry to how data can be collected and used to improve patient outcomes. 

If patient problems are similar, keynote presenter Mike John, PhD, MPH, believes that collaborating with other dental practices to collect data will help determine whether a treatment works. Patient-reported outcomes are an important data point to include, others are cost and resource use (waste avoidance). 

The American Dental Association (ADA) created a repository for dental data, which presenter Diptee Ojha, PhD, MBA, described in detail. The ADA is building a dental data base that dentists can upload information into to run a report against quality measures to create a benchmark.

Speakers Jack Dillenberg and Mike John

The ADA has created a core measure repository that captures Epic, Dentrix and open dental electronic dental records. The warehouse is designed to capture data that will allow dentists to compare their quality metrics to other dental practice.  

Wisconsin Dental Association President Paula Crum, DDS, MS, reported on the WDA legislative agenda. During the last legislative session, WDA successfully advocated for an increase in Medicaid dental rates, the first significant increase in the history of the program. WDA also lobbied on teledentistry to virtually deliver diagnostic and screening services for those patients who cannot make an office visit. The bill requires the provider of these services be licensed in Wisconsin. 

WDA President Paula Crum

Equity in care should be available to all people, according to Jack Dillenberg, DDS, Dean Emeritus of the A.T. Still University of Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health. Dr. Dillenberg pointed out that more than 40 million people have disabilities in our country and have many unmet health care needs. 

“Whatever role you play contributes to the health and wellness of our citizens,” according to Dr. Dillenberg. “We want to deliver that care respectfully and in a cost-effective manner without sacrificing quality.” 

Dr. Dillenberg encouraged collaboration among dentists and physicians to help avoid episodic and fragmented care that results when a patient presents with tooth pain in the emergency department. By working together to solve this issue, he believes the patient will have better, coordinated care. Dentists should be meeting and collaborating. Episodic and fragmented – that is where we are at – patients go to the ER with tooth pain (but we could be doing better!) we need to have discussions with payers to allow providers to do what they need to do. 

Dawn Thorsen, Gundersen Health System

Gundersen Health has been using WCHQ data to benchmark their performance to other health systems across the state. Dawn Thorsen, director of quality at Gundersen Health System, explained how data is used to set improvement goals and then to measure progress.  Matt Gigot, WCHQ director of performance measurement and analysis, described WCHQ’s data assets and the current dental measures that are being publicly reported at

The WCHQ Oral Health Collaborative meets regularly to discuss issues of common interest, develop dental measures and collaborate on improvement work and publicly report results. To learn more contact Jen Koberstein, program manager.

The WCHQ Oral Health Collaborative appreciates the support of GSK, Delta Dental of Wisconsin, and ForwardDental.