WCHQ Reports

Mapping Obesity in Wisconsin:
2023 Wisconsin Obesity Maps
The Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality (WCHQ) has released the 2023 Wisconsin Adult Obesity Maps, providing a comprehensive view of adult obesity rates across the state. These maps highlight the prevalence of obesity among adults and uncover disparities that exist between different regions and populations in Wisconsin.
The 2023 maps leverage data submitted by WCHQ members to identify patterns and trends in obesity, enabling health systems and community leaders to focus on targeted interventions for prevention and treatment. By visualizing these disparities, WCHQ aims to draw attention to the critical need for collaborative efforts in treating obesity and improving health outcomes statewide.
Explore the Report and Maps
These maps serve as a valuable resource for public health professionals, policymakers, and healthcare providers working to treat obesity in Wisconsin.

Opportunities to Increase Access to Behavioral Health Care in Wisconsin
WCHQ partnered with The Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) to understand the current state of Integrated Behavioral Health (IBH) within Wisconsin health systems. The goal of our project was to improve IBH services within health systems and help providers understand the patient experience. This white paper reviews the need in Wisconsin, provides an overview of IBH and summarizes the project's outcomes.

WCHQ Brief Reports: Pandemic Impacts on Disparities
A series of reports released by the Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality and Healthy Metric provide an initial look at the impact the pandemic has had on health care disparities. The reports cover three chronic conditions, diabetes, colorectal cancer screening and high blood pressure from the onset of the pandemic through 2020. The reports, by topic, are below:
WCHQ’s reports, and the work of many others, will draw attention to and promote the development of targeted interventions to eliminate health care disparities.

Wisconsin Health Disparities Report
The Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality (WCHQ) and its member organizations developed the Wisconsin Health Disparities Reports to identify where disparities in health outcomes and care exist In Wisconsin and to help inform and accelerate programs that are working to eliminate disparities. WCHQ hopes that by identifying and publicly reporting these differences, this report will draw attention to and promote public accountability, improvement and action by multiple stakeholders.

“One Size Fits All” Doesn’t Work for Obesity Prevention:
Obesity In Wisconsin, 2015-2016
There is new evidence of the scope of the obesity epidemic in Wisconsin. From 2015 to 2016, 41.2% of adults and 14.8% of children statewide had obesity. As high as these overall numbers are, they mask another set of findings that are arguably more important for Wisconsin’s long-term health and prosperity. The Wisconsin Health Atlas report describes patterns of obesity rates by age and place. The report created maps based on data submitted by WCHQ members.