July 2024

Colorectal Cancer Screening Webinar Series

First Webinar Scheduled for July 30

WCHQ is hosting a three-part webinar series to support improvement of colorectal cancer screening rates.

July 30, 2024: “Strategies for Patient Engagement & Health Screening” presented by Kelley Kruse Nelles, MS, RN, SPRN-BC, Executive Director of National RN Practice Development Center, LLC. Kelley will present evidence-based strategies to improve patient care and engage patients.

September 17, 2024: “Colorectal Cancer Screening Demystified” presented by Jennifer Weiss, MD, MS, Associate Professor of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Wisconsin – Madison. Dr. Weiss will share all the ins and outs of colonoscopy, including many different prep options and the colonoscopy process. Dr. Weiss will also share guidelines for post colonoscopy surveillance.

October 29, 2024: “Alcohol and Cancer Risk” presented by Noelle LoConte, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Wisconsin – Madison. Dr. LoConte is passionate about cancer prevention and will share how alcohol contributes to cancer risk.

Please register for these no cost webinars. Feel free to email questions ahead of time to Renee Sutkay, rsutkay@wchq.org.

This project is funded in part by the Funding Opportunities for CRC Screening Update Strategies (FOCUS) grant through Exact Sciences.

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Novo Nordisk







AboutHealth • The Alliance • Alliance of Health Insurers (AHI)

Bayer • Business Health Care Group • Epic • Exact Sciences

GSK • Health Payment Systems • MetaStar • Moderna

Otsuka  • Rogers Behavioral Health

Sanofi • WellStack • Wipfli • Wisconsin Hospital Association