March 2020

Transition to SymphonyCare Data Platform Advances

The WCHQ measurement team continues to advance several ongoing initiatives, including spring public reporting and the transition to the SymphonyCare IT platform. From a public reporting standpoint, the vast majority of WCHQ members have uploaded data to the system and WCHQ will be ready to begin a preview period at end of the April, with publication to occur in mid-May. There are several notable developments in the IT transition. SymphonyCare has started to incorporate historical data into the new platform. This data is being used to support the development of both the quality measures and user interface into the new application. Additionally, a data submission guide has been provided to the WCHQ members for the new platform, and several members have begun to upload data to the SymphonyCare platform using the new data submission requirements.

WCHQ measurement staff has found that there is variation in available IT resources across the WCHQ membership due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak and they are working with members individually to determine when it makes sense to begin a conversion to the SymphonyCare standards.

Spring Measure Results Publication on Schedule
In preparation for the transition from WCHQ’s current RBS system to the new SymphonyCare platform WCHQ moved up and extended the public reporting preview period for Spring 2020. Originally preview was planned to start on May 4 through May 15. Because access to our current measurement platform, RBS, will end on May 31. Now, WCHQ plans to have the preview period begin April 20 and go through May 15. The rationale for this change is to ensure that WCHQ can get all members’ measures run and validation completed in a timely manner in case there are any issues found prior to publication. Changes to results can be made during the preview period in cases where data issues are found, which has been allowed in past reporting periods. Publication of measure results to is still on schedule for the week of May 18.